Now Now

What I am doing right now

In focus

My small Unternehmen ohne Namen is thriving. We have realized a few projects and are now working on a longer mandate for a Swiss university. We want to do that really well. At the same time, we are looking for our next, courageous customers and are actively expanding our network of energetic and curious people.

In my position at Liip, I experience the possibilities and limits of self-organization. In the system of an organization and especially for me. How do we bring together personal priorities and the goals of a group? I continue to learn a lot.

I’m trying to manage my attention more consciously again. Less distraction (news, social media, new tools) and more confrontation with my current reality (even and especially if this is sometimes unpleasant).

I live near Zurich. Fortunately with my wife and child. It’s four and a half years old and challenges me in everything I am and do. I am now 44 years old and have the feeling that there is still a lot to come.

Updated Tuesday, December 5, 2023 (Switzerland)